School of Systems Science,BNU


  • Bertrand M. Roehner

    Address: Science & Tech. Building 626(B),Beijing Normal University; LPTHE,University of Paris 6
    ZIP code:
    Telephone: 33 1 44 27 39 16

Educational Experiences:

Work Experience:

currently professor at the University of Paris 7

Research Interests:

Author of several books and about 60 papers in various scientific journals in the fields of economics, sociology and physics.

Professional Affiliations:

A guest at various leading economic and physical institutions such as:
 the Institute of Economics (Copenhagen, September 1996),
 the Harvard Department of Economics (Summer 1994, Fall 1998),
 the Santa Fe Institute (2002),
 the Harvard Department of Sociology (Spring 2002),
 Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York (Spring 2003, May-June 2005).
 Beijing Normal University (Oct 2007, Sep-Nov 2008), Sep-Nov 2009)

Co-organizer of and invited speaker at the Prague 2001 NATO Conference on econophysics (8-10

Member of the editorial board of one of the main websites devoted to econophysics:

Referee for various economic or physical journals; e.g. Explorations in Economic History, Journal of Development Economics, International Regional Science Review, Journal of Economic Behavior, Physica A, or institutions, e.g. the National Science Foundation.


BNU Tournament of Experimental Science