[成果] 节点相似性和网络重构

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2015-07-03 浏览次数:

Reconstructing propagation with temporal similarity


Hao Liao and An Zeng*, Reconstructing propagation with temporal similarity, [Scientific Reports 5, 11404 (2015)]






Node similarity significantly contributes to the growth of real networks. In this paper, based on the observed epidemic spreading results we apply the node similarity metrics to reconstruct the underlying networks hosting the propagation. We find that the reconstruction accuracy of the similarity metrics is strongly influenced by the infection rate of the spreading process. Moreover, there is a range of infection rate in which the reconstruction accuracy of some similarity metrics drops nearly to zero. To improve the similarity-based reconstruction method, we propose a temporal similarity metric which takes into account the time information of the spreading. The reconstruction results are remarkably improved with the new method.

