
联系地址: 北京师范大学科技楼B区523
邮政编码: 100875
电话: +86 10 58807093


2010.09-2015.07  北京大学 力学与工程科学系 博士

2006.09-2010.07  山东师范大学 物理与电子科学学院 学士


2020.07-至今   北京师范大学 系统科学学院 副教授 博导

2018.05-2020.07  北京师范大学 系统科学学院 讲师

2015.10-2018.05  北京大学 物理学院 量子材料科学中心 博雅博士后




· 非晶合金拓扑序的探索与结构性能关联性的研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,合作单位负责人(2021.01-2025.12)

· 液体及玻璃态物质中的拓扑序和结构动力学研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持(2019.01-2021.12)

· 非晶态物质中的拓扑序和结构动力学关系,北京师范大学青年教师基金项目,主持(2018.11-2020.11)

· 非晶态物质的结构与动力学关联,中国博士后科学基金,主持(2017.05-2018.05)

· 非晶合金薄膜在复杂应力条件下的微观形变机理和破坏准则,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与(2018.01-2021.12)


1. Wu, Z. W., Kob, W., Wang, W. H., and Xu, L., Stretched and compressed exponentials in the relaxation dynamics of a metallic glass-forming melt. Nat. Commun. 9, 5334 (2018).

2. Wu, Z. W., Li, M. Z., Wang, W. H., and Liu, K. X., Hidden topological order and its correlation with glass forming ability in metallic glasses. Nat. Commun. 6, 6035 (2015).

3. Wu, Z. W., Li, M. Z., Wang, W. H., and Liu, K. X., Correlation between structural relaxation and connectivity of icosahedral clusters in CuZr metallic glass-forming liquids. Phys. Rev. B 88, 054202 (2013).

4. Wu, Z. W., Li, M. Z., Wang, W. H., Song, W. J., and Liu, K. X., Effect of local structures on structural evolution during crystallization in undercooled metallic glass-forming liquids. J. Chem. Phys. 138, 074502 (2013).

5. Wu, Z. W., Li, F. X., Huo, C. W., Li, M. Z., Wang, W. H., and Liu, K. X., Critical scaling of icosahedral medium-range order in CuZr metallic glass-forming liquids. Sci. Rep. 6, 35967 (2016).

6. Wu, Z. W. and Li, R., Revisiting the breakdown of Stokes-Einstein relation in glass-forming liquids with machine learning. Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 63, 276122 (2020).

7. Wu, Z. W. and Wang, W. H., Linking local connectivity to atomic-scale relaxation dynamics in metallic glass-forming systems. Acta Phys. Sin. 69, 066101 (2020). (invited review)

8. Pan, S., Wu, Z. W., Wang, W. H., Li, M. Z., and Xu, L., Structural origin of fractional Stokes-Einstein relation in glass-forming liquids. Sci. Rep. 7, 39938 (2017).

9. Jiang, S. Q., Wu, Z. W., and Li, M. Z., Effect of local structures on crystallization in deeply undercooled metallic glass-forming liquids. J. Chem. Phys. 144, 154502 (2016).


07/2016 北京大学博雅博士后Fellowship

07/2015 北京大学优秀博士学位论文奖(99/1635)

12/2014 北京大学光华奖学金

09/2014 博士研究生特别奖学金

06/2014 Poster Award, 10th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses

12/2013 博士研究生国家奖学金

12/2013 北京大学学术创新奖


北京MD非晶俱乐部Rotating Chairman,SCI学术期刊审稿人
