Interested in working with me?

I am currently actively working on various topics in physics and systems science, as you may noticed already from Jinshan's homepage and Jinshan's Blog at SystemSci (in Chinese). I have got and keep getting so many original ideas that I can never try out most of them on my own.

I have so many things about which I think I have unique and deep understanding, as you may notice already from Jinshan's Blog at SystemSci (in Chinese), that I like very much to share with you. Sharing experience, understanding and feelings are the ultimate way of teaching.

I have also accumulated so many good books, as you may notice already from Jinshan's Blog at SystemSci (in Chinese), that I want to suggest to you as learning/reading materials during your undergraduate and graduate, and even after your graduation, mostly on mathematics, physics and scientific investigations.

Thus, I am quite sure that I will be a good collaborator and a good mentor of yours.

Please contact me if you believe you are an excellent student and/or researcher and you are looking for a PH.D. position, a post-doc position, or even a faculty position in physics (with specialty in quantum transport, statistical physics), systems science (with specialty in game theory, scientometrics, natural language processing, input-output analysis) or mathematics (with specialty in numerical linear algebra, stochastic process).

For post-docs, the researcher positions offer competitive salary (100k-200k RMB per year) and also a chance to become full faculty members in a few of years.

有兴趣跟我一起工作?( Chinese version of the above paragraphs )

目前我在物理学和系统科学的诸多领域内开展工作,也许你已经从吴金闪的主页 或者 系统科学人之吴金闪(博客)看到。我经常产生一些具有原始创新性 的想法,经常到自己不可能把其中的大多数尝试一遍。


我积累了这么多数学物理和科学研究方面的好书, 也许你已经从系统科学人之吴金闪(博客)看到。 我想把它们推荐给你作为阅读和学习的材料,在本科、研究生甚至你毕业以后。



对于博士后,我们高薪聘请 (10万-20万每年),并且提供几年内晋升正式教师的机会。