



办公地点:科技楼B 603

电话:    +010-58807060

邮箱:     zdi@bnu.edu.cn


Zengru DI


School of Systems Science,

Beijing Normal University

Beijing 100875, China

Tel     +86-10-58807060

Fax:      +86-10-58807880

E-mail:     zdi@bnu.edu.cn



办公地点:科技楼B 603

电子邮箱:  zdi@bnu.edu.cn




      1979.09-1983.07 北京师范大学物理学系 学士

      1985.09-1988.07 北京师范大学物理学系 硕士

      1991.09-1997.07 北京师范大学物理学系 博士



      1988.11-1995.04   北京师范大学物理学系 助教,讲师,副教授

      1995.05-1996.05   比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学Solvay国际物理化学研究所 访问学者

      1996.05-2000.08   北京师范大学物理学系 副教授

      2000.09-2001.09   美国加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院 访问学者

      2002.09-2013.03   北京师范大学管理学院 教授,博士生导师

      2013.04-          北京师范大学系统科学学院 院长,教授,博士生导师



      2008.01-2010.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:社会关系网络空间标度性质的形成机制和传播功能 No: 60974084),主持

      2008.01-2010.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:二分网络社团结构分析的理论与应用研究 No: 70771011),参加

      2004.01-2006.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:企业规模幂律分布的形成机制 No: 70371072),主持

      2005.01-2008.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目: 非线性网络的动力学复杂性研究 No: 70431002),参加

      2002.09-2003.09 教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金项目:非均匀介质中螺旋波的动力学行为,主持

      2000.05-2005.05 国家自然科学基金重大项目:支持宏观经济决策的人机结合综合集成体系研究,参加


本科生课程: 数学模型; 普通物理学,探索复杂性——系统科学概论

研究生课程: 非线性动力学; 自组织理论



      2009.10-  国务院学位委员会系统科学学科评议组召集人

      2006.12-  中国“双法”学会复杂系统研究委员会 常务理事

      2007.10-  全国高等教育自学考试教学指导委员会专业委员会公共课程组 副组长



主要从事非平衡系统理论、复杂性研究及相关理论在社会经济和生物系统中的应用研究工作。在收益递增与经济增长的双稳态,社会分工产生机制的数理描述,加权复杂网络的结构、演化和功能等方面取得了一些研究成果。目前关注的研究领域为复杂性研究,特别是复杂系统个体之间局域的相互作用与宏观层次上复杂行为的关系。具体的研究方向包括复杂网络(Complex Networks)、Multi-agent系统的集体行为(Collective Behavior)、经济和生物系统中组织和结构的涌现(Social Economic and Biological Systems)等。




1.              Menghui Li, Ying Fan, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di*, Phase transitions in Ising model induced by weight redistribution on weighted regular networks, Accepted By International Journal of Modern Physics B, (2010).

2.              H. Yang, Y. Nie, A. Zeng Y. Fan, Y. Hu, Z. Di* Scaling Properties in Spatial Networks and its Effects on Topology and TrafficEPL, 89 (2010) 58002.

3.              Xiaojia Li, Yanqing Hu Menghui Li Zengru Di, Ying Fan*, Detecting Community Structure by Coherent Oscillation of Excitable Systems, Physica A 389, (2010):164-170

4.              Menghui Li, Liang Gao, Ying Fan, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Emergence of global preferential attachment from local interaction, New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 043029.

5.              Jiefei Yu, Yanqing Hu, Min Yu, Zengru Di*, Analyzing netizens' view and reply behaviors on the forum, Physica A 389, (2010) 3267-3273, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.03.043.

6.              An Zeng, Yanqing Hu, Zengru Di*, Unevenness of loop location in complex networks, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 81, 046121 (2010)

7.              Y. Hu, J. Wu and Z. Di*Enhance the efficiency of heuristic algorithms for maximizing modularity QEPL (Europhysics Letters)85 180092009.

8.              Hua Yang, Yuchao Nie, Hongbin Zhang, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Insight to the express transport network, Computational Physics Communication Volume 180, Issue 9, September 2009, Pages 1511-1515.

9.              Xu, LD; Qu, ZL; Di, ZR* Drifting dynamics of dense and sparse spiral waves in heterogeneous excitable media, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79 (3): Art No. 036212 2009.

10.          A. Zeng, Y. Hu and Z. Di*, Optimal tree for both synchronizability and converging time, EPL, 87 (2009) 48002.

11.          Chai Lei, Dahui Wang, Jiawei Chen, Menghui Li, Zengru Di, Cluster splitting transition in a Markov chain model for labor division, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. Vol.18, No.2, (2008), 593-598. IDS Number: 321GG 

12.          Qi Ma, Yongwang Chen, Hui Tong, Zengru Di, Production, depreciation and the size distribution of firms, Physica A, Volume: 387 Issue: 13  Pages: 3209-3217 Published: MAY 15 (2008), doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.01.064, IDS Number: 295KT

13.          Hu YQ (Hu, Yanqing), Li MH (Li, Menghui), Zhang P (Zhang, Peng), Fan Y (Fan, Ying), Di ZR (Di, Zengru), Community detection by signaling on complex networks, PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 78 Issue: 1  Article Number: 016115  Published: JUL 2008, IDS Number: 333UV

14.          Yanqing Hu, Hongbin Chen, Peng Zhang, Menghui Li, Zengru Di, and Ying Fan, Comparative definition of community and corresponding identifying algorithm, Phys. Rev. E 78, 026121 (2008)

15.          Peng Zhang, Jinliang Wang, Xiaojia Li, Menghui Li, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Clustering coefficient and community structure of bipartite networks, Physica A 387, (2008), 6869-6875 . doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.09.006.

16.          Liang Gao, Yanqing Hu, Zengru Di, Accuracy of ball-covering approach for fractal dimension of complex networks and an improved algorithm, PRE, 78046109 2008

17.          李晓佳,张鹏,狄增如,樊瑛,复杂网络中的社团结构,复杂系统与复杂性科学,第5卷,第3期,19-42,(2008

18.          李梦辉,樊瑛,狄增如,加权网络的结构、功能和演化,in: 陈关荣,许晓鸣,复杂网络理论与应用,上海系统科学出版社,香港,107-143,(2008

19.          程洁,狄增如,复杂网络上集群行为与自旋模型,力学进展,38卷,第6期,733-750, (2008) (加标注)

20.          Daqing Li, Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Enhancing Synchronizability by Weights Randomization on Regular Networks, Eur. Phys. J. B 57, 423–428 (2007).

21.          Chai L, Chen JW, Han ZG, et al.Emergence of specialization from global optimizing evolution in a multi-agent system7th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), MAY 27-30, 2007COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - ICCS 2007, PT 4, PROCEEDINGS : 98-105, 2007. IDS Number: BGH52

22.          Li MH, Wu JS, Fan Y, et al.Econophysicists collaboration networks: Empirical studies and evolutionary model3rd Workshop on Econophysics and Sociophysics of Markets and Networks, MAR 12-15, 2007ECONOPHYSICS OF MARKETS AND BUSINESS NETWORKS : 173-182, 2007. IDS Number: BGW45

23.          Menghui Li, Ying Fan, Dahui Wang, Daqing Li, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Small-world effect induced by weight randomization on regular networks, Physics Letters A, 364 (2007) 488–493.

24.          Daqing Li, Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, Enhancing Synchronizability by Weights Randomization on Regular Networks, Eur. Phys. J. B 57, (2007) 423–428.

25.          Ying Fan, Menghui Li, Peng Zhang, Jinshan Wu and Zengru Di, Accuracy and precision of methods for community identification in weighted networks, Physica A,  377  (2007) , 363-372.

26.          Ying Fan, Menghui Li, Peng Zhang, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, The Effect of Weight on Community Structure of Networks, Physica A, 378, (2007) 583-590.

27.          Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Dahui Wang, Tao Zhou, Zengru Di and Ying Fan, Evolving model of weighted networks inspired by scientific collaboration networks,  Physica A, 375, (2007), 355-364.

28.          Menghui Li, Dahui Wang, Ying Fan, Zengru Di and Jinshan Wu, Modelling weighted networks using connection count, New J. Phys. 8 (2006) 72.

29.          Wang Dahui, Zhou Li and Di ZengruBipartite producerconsumer networks and the size distribution of firms, Physica A, 363, (2006) 359-366.

30.          Peng Zhang, Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Ying Fan, The Analysis and Dissimilarity Comparison of Community Structure, Physica A. 367, (2006) 577-585. 

31.          Menghui Li, Ying Fan, Jiawei Chen, Liang Gao, Zengru Di, Jinshan Wu, Weighted networks of scientific communication: the measurement and topological role of weight, Physica A, 350 (2005) 643–656.

32.          Wang Dahui, Li Menghui, Di Zengru, True reason for Zipf`s law in language, Physica A, 358 (2005) 545-550. 

33.          Ying Fan, Menghui Li, Jiawei Chen, Liang Gao, Zengru Di, Jinshan Wu, Network of econophysicists: a network to investigate the development of econophysics, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 18, Nos. 17-19 , 2004, 2005-2011.

34.          吴金闪,狄增如,从统计物理学看复杂网络研究,《物理学进展》,Vol. 24, No. 1, 2004. 18-46

35.          Jingshan Wu, Zengru Di and Zhanru Yang, The labor division as the results of phase transition, Physica A, 323, 2003, 663-676.

36.          Zengru Di, Zhilin Qu, James N. Weiss and Alan Garfinkel, A kinematic study of spiral wave drift due to an electric field, Physics Letters A, 308, 2003, 179-186.